Columbus 614-863-3222   |   Hilliard 614-345-0500
Columbus 614-863-3222  
  Hilliard 614-345-0500


Liposuction at Eastside Dermatology

Liposuction is one of the most popular cosmetic procedure in the world! Dr. Alan J. Parks, Founder of Eastside Dermatology, started performing tumescent liposuction in 1992. He was the first physician to perform this procedure in Columbus, Ohio.

Making patients more conifdent about their appearance was one of the main reasons why Parks decided to start performing the surgery. “I felt that liposuction would make a big difference not only in the way people looked but also the way that they thought of themselves,” said Dr. Parks. “It is very rewarding, people have a whole different attitude before and after they leave. You can just tell they are more happy with their appearance.”

Not only does Dr. Parks make sure his patients are happy with their appearance, he ensures that he and his staff at Eastside Dermatology use the safest possible procedure. Tumescent liposuction involves the infusion of a local anesthetic so the patient is awake during the entire procedure. “We do it completely under local anesthetics and it is the safest way to perform liposuction,” exclaimed Dr. Parks.

The best candidates for liposuction are individuals who have localized areas of excess fat. Liposuction can be performed on all parts of the body. “Recovery time is quick. In most cases if they have it done on a Friday they can return to work on Monday. Within two weeks patients can go back to full activity.”

Dr. Alan J. Parks has close to twenty years of liposuction experience and takes the necessary safety precautions to ensure a healthy and speedy recovery.


Be sure to schedule your liposuction consultation contact us today.

» Photograph courtesy of ‘Flat Stomach On Healthy Girl’ by Stuart Miles