Unlike seborrheic keratoses, actinic keratoses are pre-cancerous lesions that have the potential of turning into skin cancer (squamous cell carcinoma). Some seborrheic keratoses resemble warts, moles, skin tags, and skin cancer, but they are unrelated.
We remove these keratoses immediately for our dermatology patients in order to prevent this form of skin cancer from developing. Removal of actinic keratoses is possible through freezing with liquid nitrogen, topical prescription medications, and photodynamic therapy (PDT).
These lesions are best described as pre-cancers occurring on sun-exposed sites that have the potential of turning into skin cancer (i.e. Sqauamous Cell Carcinoma). Multiple forms of treatment are available including Liquid Nitrogen (Freezing), topical prescription medications, and PhotoDynamic Therapy. Patient education on sun-protection is always stressed for maintenance and prevention of further damage.