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Columbus 614-863-3222  
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5 Things to Consider When Looking for a Columbus Laser Hair Removal Treatment

The popularity of laser hair removal has skyrocketed in the past few years. It has become an easy alternative to shaving, saving you time, money, and pain in the long run. However, there are some things to know before getting a laser hair removal treatment. Below you will find five things that you will want to consider before getting a laser hair removal treatment.

Understand How The Hair Is Removed – Emerging about ten years ago, laser hair removal is a technique that destroys hair at the root level using means of light with a specific intensity and wavelength. Melanin, which determines the color of our hair, absorbs the light’s energy and transforms it into heat, which kills the root of the hair without damaging the nearby areas.

What Type of Laser Is Best – Types of lasers vary and are effective in different ways dependent on the patient’s hair type. Different types of lasers can be combined during treatment or maximum results. Make sure that your dermatologist is using the best laser for your specific skin characteristics.

Your Skin Is Unique To You – Although laser hair removal is a common procedure, each person’s skin is different and this should be taken into consideration when seeking a Columbus dermatologist. If the characteristics of the individuals skin are not taken into consideration pre-treatment, there may be some complications including burns, scars, or pigment disorders. Our doctors at Eastside Dermatology take special care in analyzing each patient’s skin characteristics, and will determine the best possible treatment method for you and your skin.

Look Out For Special Offers – The popularity of laser hair removal has led to very competitive prices. Many dermatologist centers even offer special offers for the treatment. However, make sure that you choose a dermatology center whose staff will not only consider your skin and hair type, but also your medical history and overall health.

Is Laser Hair Removal Permanent – Yes. Laser hair removal is permanent, however a couple of treatments may be necessary to completely get rid of hair. However, keep in mind that this procedure is irreversible.

At Eastside Dermatology, our staff of laser hair removal specialists are highly experienced, and take the time to analyze each patients skin characteristics to bring them the best possible solution for treatment. If you have been considering laser hair removal and would like further information, contact our office and speak to a specialist.